15th August 2015

Cluain Council Meeting 15th August 2015
Start time: 2:00pm
Finish time: 3:35pm
Present: Roger Win, Liz Brodie, Sue Whitby, David Whitby (Ed), Trent Deakin, Michelle Deakin, Jeanette Reid (Netty)

Apologies: None

Minutes for July: Accepted by Sue, Seconded by Trent


Morrinsville St John Cadets – follow up – Jeanette still to do. Date?

Getting out there/ Planning for next year
Display at Waikato Show
­ Event for 2 weeks after Waikato Show (end of May)
­ July St John’s

- Three events organised separately but linked together.
- Need to be organised and as many of the populous as possible on board
- Start advertising and asking for thoughts and bids now for all three events - Netty

Waikato Show:
- In May, Ralph (friend of Trent) involved in Show – good contact
- Will need loads of helpers – stall only, at least 2 per shift
- Think about what we are going to do
- Possibly video of martial – large job in itself

Newcomer’s Event:
- Feast
- Not too-unusual food
- Tavern Theme
- Games

St John’s - Liz
Interim report:
- Invoice for balance of venue of $410 paid 2 weeks ago
- Final reimbursements of $16.90 to Carol Orr for gas and apx. $55 to Roger and Liz for miscellaneous items and gas still to be paid
- Liz to ask for venue and event feedback on list
- Note for next use of venue to take breadboards, heaters (for rooms and possibly hall) and bedside lamps.
- Final report to be submitted to list this month by Liz.

Labour Weekend - Sue
Progress report:
- Seven bookings so far
- First of payments received
- Expecting a lot of bookings
- Advertising continues
- Link on website to be shared to Cluain Facebook page - Netty

Calender – Ed, Netty, Liz, Roj

Month Date Venue Theme/ Event
August 15th Roj & Liz Banner painting
September 19th Roj & Liz Banner painting
October 17th Roj & Liz Banner painting
October 23-26th Braithwaite Living History
November 21st Roj & Liz Banner painting - probably
December Roj & Liz B&B BBQ

Officer’s reports

Netty still to advertise for replacement

No objections to David Whitby – welcome to the position
Netty to inform Katherine of appointment and to make sure it gets to Kingdom Webwright
Ed to add himself to kingdom list
Netty to add Ed and Geoff as editors to Facebook page
Ed - Website progress report

Changes made:
New resources section:
- will add content as required/ available
- Minutes page – now in chronological order
- List of stores up
Weekly events:
- still sorting issues
- Heavy practice on, Sewing not yet
Date format sorted

To do:
- Officer descriptions
- Add copyright info
- Newcomers page with relevant photo and link to local people’s interests
- Large work in progress
- need photos of activities – Ed to advertise
- Roger needs login
- Help page for downloading pictures to website
- Permissions – some still need changing
- Chatelaine – forwarding e-mail check and change if necessary


Current Balance 15 August: $ 4048.12

Outgoings pending:
- St John’s:
- $16.90 to Carol Orr for gas and apx.
- $55 to Roger and Liz for miscellaneous items and gas

- Other:
- $60 so far for banner materials – more expected

Bank account

Current bank account is not meeting our needs. Westpac is asking us to jump through ridiculous hoops to update it.

Roger Win proposed the motion: To open an account with Kiwibank, including online approvals and dual signatories. Once that account is fully set up and all funds transferred to close the Westpac account.
Seconded by Sue, Passed unanimously.

The following signatories are required:

- Seneschal (President) – Jeanette Reid
- Reeve (Treasurer) – Roger Win
- SCANZ rep – Trent Deakin
- Third officer – David Whitby

The following things are required to set up an account with Kiwibank:
- It needs to be a business account
- Minutes of this meeting verifying decision to change accounts
- All signatories to have personal login. For this, if they don’t already have one, they need to go into any branch with one form of photo ID and a letter (bill) verifying their address. David Whitby to get his login this week.
- Roger to make an appointment for next weekend with Kiwibank for Roger and Jeanette to set up account.

Banner progress:
- happening – looking good
- will be set up in garage over Labour weekend for folks to work on.

BAU – business as usual

On the hospitaller’s list


Other business

David Whitby proposed: to investigate getting a multi-purpose, 4x3 metre awning made – subject to budget approval.
Seconded by Roger, passed unanimously.

Next meeting: 19th September, 1:00pm, at Roger and Liz’ place.