16th May 2015

Cluain Council Meeting 16th May 2015
Start time: 2:30
Finish time: 3:55
Present: Ed (David Whitby), Sue Whitby, Liz Brodie, Carol Orr, Netty (Jeanette Reid)
Apologies: Trent, Roger


Minutes for April – accepted by Ed, Seconded by Liz

Online presence
­ Workshop – David Robb and Katherine Davies to run, held at Reid’s, booked for 27th June 11:30 –3:30. Hosts will provide soup and bun lunch.

Facebook page
­ I now have admin access, as does Liz – thanks to Sarah for organising this today
­ Thank you Liz for your contributions to the page and getting more traffic on there
­ Need to encourage people to share from page and add to notifications to get more traffic – Netty needs to mention this on the list
­ Will add Geoff and Ed as editors – Liz already done it?
­ Don’t forget to post fortnightly about upcoming events

St John’s - Liz
- Dates – July 10th –12th 2015, 8 weeks away, timing with other events -best, winter, interest, keep low key, will be good test for site
- Feast – Chantelle had volunteered but concerns about a clash in date, Carol pencilled in, Netty can assist
- Costs good. Tokens – no. Miscellaneous cost – loo paper, cleaners, soap, dishwash, rubbish bags, oil for lamps
- Tenting - available
- Theme – possibly tavern to keep it low key
- Cleaning – check brooms and mops
- Book this week, Trent to inform Pirongia
- Can lend our gas bottle(s)
- Any comments
- Stewards discounts – not included, only if profits permit
- Approval – proposed by Carol, Seconded by Sue

Labour Weekend - Ed
­ Toilets – will set up chemical toilet from camper if necassary
­ Cover costs? – itemise! food, firewood, etc – no, years of experience says it will make a profit
­ cooking options
­ dates – to be corrected to 23rd to 26th October 2015
­ Any comments – minimum numbers: 2, stewards discounts (no fee) to be included in bid
­ Approval – Proposed by Liz, Seconded by Carol

Hastiludes/ Banner – Ed, Netty, Liz
Ed has expressed that Thomas’s residence adds another hour’s return travel for him and he’s not too keen on that as a monthly prospect. Roger & Liz’s would be more suitable for him.
Hosting at B&B’s – suitable - yes

Month Date Venue Theme/ Event
May 10th Roj & Liz Bash
May 17th Waldolf School Carnival
June 20th Thomas Party
June 27th Reid Website Workshop
July 10-12th Waingaro
July 18th Roj & Liz Banner painting
August 15th Roj & Liz Banner painting
September 19th Roj & Liz Banner painting?
October 17th
October 23-26th Braithwaite Living History
December Roj & Liz B&B BBQ

Officer’s reports – any comments?
Absent – anything to report - no

Banner: progress – ready to paint by July – hopefully
- drop sheets? press board - yes
- Queen’s birthday getting drawn up using projector at Roj & Liz’s
- Fabric – Liz to David’s Emporium to look at canvas and brushes. Need 2.5 metres, hemmed, maximum cost - $75, Proposed by Ed, Seconded by Netty
- Other items: leaf blocks, brushes and textile paints (probably 1 litre each of white and green). Will approve costs later when we have seen what we’ll need from the July session.

Absent – 2 newcomers

Netty to advertise for replacement

- Trent is needing to step down, advertising shortly – Sue interested in role
- Archery article, Waldolf demo
- Pointing interested folk to FB page

Any action on hold until after workshop

Nothing to report