16th May 2015
Cluain Council Meeting 16th May 2015
Start time: 2:30
Finish time: 3:55
Present: Ed (David Whitby), Sue Whitby, Liz Brodie, Carol Orr, Netty (Jeanette Reid)
Apologies: Trent, Roger
Minutes for April – accepted by Ed, Seconded by Liz
Online presence
Workshop – David Robb and Katherine Davies to run, held at Reid’s, booked for 27th June 11:30 –3:30. Hosts will provide soup and bun lunch.
Facebook page
I now have admin access, as does Liz – thanks to Sarah for organising this today
Thank you Liz for your contributions to the page and getting more traffic on there
Need to encourage people to share from page and add to notifications to get more traffic – Netty needs to mention this on the list
Will add Geoff and Ed as editors – Liz already done it?
Don’t forget to post fortnightly about upcoming events
St John’s - Liz
- Dates – July 10th –12th 2015, 8 weeks away, timing with other events -best, winter, interest, keep low key, will be good test for site
- Feast – Chantelle had volunteered but concerns about a clash in date, Carol pencilled in, Netty can assist
- Costs good. Tokens – no. Miscellaneous cost – loo paper, cleaners, soap, dishwash, rubbish bags, oil for lamps
- Tenting - available
- Theme – possibly tavern to keep it low key
- Cleaning – check brooms and mops
- Book this week, Trent to inform Pirongia
- Can lend our gas bottle(s)
- Any comments
- Stewards discounts – not included, only if profits permit
- Approval – proposed by Carol, Seconded by Sue
Labour Weekend - Ed
Toilets – will set up chemical toilet from camper if necassary
Cover costs? – itemise! food, firewood, etc – no, years of experience says it will make a profit
cooking options
dates – to be corrected to 23rd to 26th October 2015
Any comments – minimum numbers: 2, stewards discounts (no fee) to be included in bid
Approval – Proposed by Liz, Seconded by Carol
Hastiludes/ Banner – Ed, Netty, Liz
Ed has expressed that Thomas’s residence adds another hour’s return travel for him and he’s not too keen on that as a monthly prospect. Roger & Liz’s would be more suitable for him.
Hosting at B&B’s – suitable - yes
Month Date Venue Theme/ Event
May 10th Roj & Liz Bash
May 17th Waldolf School Carnival
June 20th Thomas Party
June 27th Reid Website Workshop
July 10-12th Waingaro
July 18th Roj & Liz Banner painting
August 15th Roj & Liz Banner painting
September 19th Roj & Liz Banner painting?
October 17th
October 23-26th Braithwaite Living History
December Roj & Liz B&B BBQ
Officer’s reports – any comments?
Absent – anything to report - no
Banner: progress – ready to paint by July – hopefully
- drop sheets? press board - yes
- Queen’s birthday getting drawn up using projector at Roj & Liz’s
- Fabric – Liz to David’s Emporium to look at canvas and brushes. Need 2.5 metres, hemmed, maximum cost - $75, Proposed by Ed, Seconded by Netty
- Other items: leaf blocks, brushes and textile paints (probably 1 litre each of white and green). Will approve costs later when we have seen what we’ll need from the July session.
Absent – 2 newcomers
Netty to advertise for replacement
- Trent is needing to step down, advertising shortly – Sue interested in role
- Archery article, Waldolf demo
- Pointing interested folk to FB page
Any action on hold until after workshop
Nothing to report
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