14th March 2015

Cluain Council Meeting March 2015
Start time: 1:55
Finish time: 3:40
Present: Jeanette Reid (Netty), Dave Whitby (Ed), Sue Whitby, Trent Deakin (via Skype)

Apologies: Carol

Online presence
- Progress – It’s pretty much ready to go. Decided it’s best to get the basics online, including a calender and make a feature of new content though the FB page. Trent to send link and access to Netty to view and approve content before going live.
- Features – We discussed a few features we’d like: Calendar, Stewards links, Booking form and event pages (how that could be achieved and the transition and adding a “what to bring” and “what do you need?”)
- Workshop – David Robb and Katherine Davies to run, held at Netty and Dunk’s. Date to be arranged: April out, look at May 16th (as a Hastilude)

Facebook page
- Access – currently Liz and Carol – email Liz to remind her to give Netty access
Wanting to get folks in the group to be regular contributors to get the page active. A weekly or fortnightly post from each contributor would be ideal. Possibly changing settings or admin access.
Contributor Day Theme
Liz Tuesday A&S, museum links
Roger Wednesday Fighter’s practice & ?
Netty News articles, regular gatherings
Geoff Articles from The Medievalist
Carol Today in History?
Steward Fortnightly reminder about upcoming event and blurb afterwards

St John’s – Any bids?
- Chantelle has offered herself as cook for either feast or meal plan
- July holidays?
- When do we need to book venue?
- Trent has pencilled in some dates with Pirongia
- The Thomas residence is available for free, but help would be appreciated to prepare section for the event. Would be too cold/wet for a winter event (mostly tenting).
- Waingaro could be cold/ shaded – ask Glenn Hartstone. Good for fights. Will it need mowing?

St Sebs
­ Portaloo - cost $200-300 may do it for over 50 people
­ Firewood – receipt to Roger
­ Pewter – must go through event
­ free for hosts (stewards) and meal cook – include in event bid
­ limiting catered places – self-catering organiser
­ other cooking options – plan A (living history), plan B (fancy) – limit both or just B. Self-catering limited with option B (?)

Labour Weekend
- Not planning as a formal event
- Workshop weekend building furniture for Ildhafn encampment to live at Canty Faire

Loaning group assets
Trent suggested adding the option of a bond for loaning assets – covered under “case by case” basis agreed to last meeting

Phone list
- Trent has agreed to do this – progress?
- Ed to take over
- Send out email to check with all involved that they are happy with procedure.
- Give people a three week out before publishing

- Looking at how we’re going to run Hastiludes and keep up the interest.
­ banner making – as discussed below. Painting could be a winter project at the Thomas residence.
- Other Themes – UFOs
- Liz would like to see a more A&S focussed meeting, this would require the moving of council meeting to another time. Hastilude day suits Ed & Sue better - trial a 1pm Saturday council meeting
- Day and time: To really get into projects (group or personal) we need to start a lot earlier. Discussion on whether the second or third Saturday suited better and the need to ask Geoff about his preference. Geoff is unable to attend Hastiludes at any time. So which is it going to be? Third Saturday or second as alternative

Month Date Venue Theme
March 14th Reid Banner ideas
April 18th ? Banner
May 16th
June 20th Thomas Banner painting } And working on
July 18th Thomas Banner painting } property
August 15th Thomas Banner painting }
December Roj & Liz B&B BBQ

Officer’s reports

- Online signatures – needs to happen, Roger is continuing to organise this.
- Pewter – Roger to put forward a proposal to purchase pewter for use of making event tokens (discussed with Trent)

Banner: Ed has advertised and asked to populous to start looking for ideas for this month’s Hastilude

Fighter’s practice up and running?

Callum voice - Age? – Doesn’t need to be formal position, but usually carried out by Ildhafn herald

- Trent is needing to step down
- Need for regular communication between the Chatelaine and Steward to ensure newcomer’s needs are met

- Grayson was unaware he held the position
- Liz currently standing in but need someone to take up role officially

New webwright needs to:

- Need to learn or know Druple

- Time commitment – quite a bit initially, less to maintain
- Need to be adventurous

No other business, meeting concluded