St Sebastians Camp


St Sebastians is a fun, family friendly, medieval camping event. It will be held at Braythwayte Manor on the northern shores of Lake Rotorua from 4pm on Friday 21st Feb to Sunday 23rd 2025.

There will be music, singing, feasting, competitions, armed combat, archery, lots of games, classes covering various medieval crafts, pageantry and of course - excellent company!

Booking Form Here

If you have never been to an SCA event before then this is the place to start exploring all that the society has to offer - you are guaranteed the warmest of welcomes! You don't need to pack anything special as we are able to lend you medieval clothing and eating utensils so you'll feel right at home :) If you have any questions you can email the event steward 

The event is fully catered with all food included in the event fee.  

Event fees:

Adult (16+): Full event $85 (or $45 for up to 24 hours)

Child (5 to 15): Full event $40 (or $20 for up to 24 hours)

Under 5s free.

If you are not a current member of the SCA there is an additional $2 event membership fee for adults over 18


Payment is required at the time of booking. **Please ensure that you use the new account number (on confirmation email) when making payment**

Bookings will close one week prior to the event, on Saturday 15th Feb.

Full refunds will be given for cancellations up until bookings close. After bookings have closed refunds will only be given at the discretion of Cluain Council. (This is because we will have spent your money on food etc!)

What to bring:

A tent or campervan. Modern tents are fine. Medieval tents get to camp in the main area whilst modern tents are further back.


Wash kit. Please be aware that showers are not generally available on site.

Eating utensils. (Plate, bowl, cutlery, drinking vessel).

Medieval dress. If you haven't got anything suitable then email the steward and we can arrange something.

Please note: Modern clothing, phones, cameras and other modern items need to be kept hidden as far as possible.

Go to the booking form.

One of the traditions of St Sebastians is a unique game that runs throughout the event with a fantastic prize for the winner! This year the game should be very interesting... (Ed sniggers quietly to himself)

The Power Game: 

In this game we wind the clock back to a time when the land was occupied by a number of warring tribes, each with their own chief or leader.

Over time, the number of tribes would dwindle as battles were fought, alliances made and the balance of power shifted.

Eventually one tribe would become all-powerful and their leader would rule the whole land …a king or queen!

The game is suitable for everyone regardless of age, experience or physical prowess. It's fair to say that you probably won't win this one by being nice! Strategic? -yes!, ruthless? -yes! As cunning as a very cunning fox? - definitely!!

The Ildhafn A&S Challenge:

This amazing A&S challenge culminates at St Sebatians this year.

How to enter:
Submit the following information to
1) An image of the entry
2) A few brief notes about what you did, how you did it and what time/place in history inspired it. If you’re keen, you can write more detailed notes, but it’s not required!
Child entries should be entered with the assistance of (and permission from) parents.
When to enter: As soon as you’ve finished your first project! The contest is open now and runs through until St. Sebastians 2025.


  1. Acta non verba (deeds not words)
    Finish a project you’ve been telling yourself you’d get around to
  2. Quid pro quo (something for something)
    Make something as part of a barter exchange with another person
  3. Terra incognita (unknown ground)
    Make something using a skill or method you’ve never tried before
  4. Terra firma (firm ground)
    Make something using a skill or method you’re familiar with, but want to improve on
  5. Panem et circenses (bread and circuses)
    Make or perform something for entertainment
  6. Alea iacta est (the die is cast)
    Make something relating to period games, chance, or fate
  7. Ante meridiem (before noon)
    Make something that would be used in the morning
  8. Ex nihilo (from nothing)
    Make an item from the very beginning, starting from raw materials
  9. Verbatim (repeat exactly)
    Make two identical items (they can be mirror images – e.g. a pair of shoes)
  10. Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)
    Make something involving weaponry, horses, fire, or Anatolia
  11. Tabula rasa (blank slate)
    Make something to write or paint on
  12. Tempus edax rerum (time, devourer of all things)
    Repair or refashion an item time has not been kind to
  13. Ars natura
    Make a project focused on the sciences
  14. Verba volant, sed scripta manent (spoken words fly away, written words remain)
    A project using the written word
  15. Cura te ipsum (take care of yourself)
    Make a personal care item
  16. Solvitur ambulando (it is solved by walking)
    Make something to be used while travelling
  17. Discendo discimus (I learn by teaching)
    Share a skill you know with someone else
  18. Dulcius ex asperis (sweeter after difficulties)
    A project you finished despite adversity

The Schedule: