Labour Weekend Living History 2024

Welcome to Labour Weekend Living History event 2024

1 Start 2 Food & Activities 3 Complete

Booking details

Please fill out a separate form for every person attending the event, including each child or infant.

Leave blank if you haven't chosen an SCA name, or don't have a different name that you use for re-enactment events.

You can attend the event without your parents or legal guardians, but you need a Nominated Caregiver (an adult on site who is willing to be responsible for you in case of emergency).

The SCANZ policy on participation by Children and Young Persons has details about participation by those under 18.

Please enter the name of a caregiver (parent, guardian or nominated adult) who will be attending the event: *

Which overseas SCA organisation are you a member of?

You can join the SCA online now instead of paying for event-membership.

Contact Details

Please include an email address even if you're filling out the form for a child: then you'll get the automatic confirmation message and be able to check the booking details.

Booking type
How long will you be spending at the event?
Direct deposit into Cluain's bank account is preferred. The payment by cash option is only for overseas visitors or those unable to pay by direct deposit.
If you'll be paying for several people at once, please list them.
Do you need transport from Rotorua airport?
Do you need directions to the event?
The site opens at 4pm on the Friday. Please indicate an approximate arrival time. If you plan to leave before the end of the event please let us know that too.