Cluain Council Minutes Date: 18/11/2023

18 Nov 2023

Meeting started at 3:42pm

Present: Rudiger, Alyenora, Melissa, Nathanael, Gerrard, Florence, Ed, Bess, Aethelred

Officer reports

Nathanael should be seneshal soon – need to finish paperwork in Regnumator

Aethelred motions to accept last month’s meeting minutes. Melissa seconds. Approved unanimously.

Reeve (Aethelred)

Account balance is $7,811.67

Dumpling feast financials tbd tomorrow

Labour weekend financials tbd tomorrow

Canvas reimbursement has been created, needs final approval

No quarterly report – on Xero. All stuff is on Xero officially now. Will still need to maintain event-level spreadsheets financially

Declined direct communications from bank to Xero. But although Aethelred can authorise payments, our reeve doesn’t ‘own’ the account, so can’t authorise Xero. Will need Rudiger/Dominego/Florence to help sort this.

Once we go to NZ bank accounts for all SCANZ – do we need to pay GST? Has SCANZ done a vote AGM/SGM for this (no?)

Nathanael (A&S)

Will advertise for new A&S officer as taking up seneshal

Rudiger (outgoing Seneshal)

Shipping container situation ongoing. Just heard back from Darton. Will hear back from SCANZ tomorrow. Dominego will follow up. Hopefully invoice will be done (maybe 50/50) and management will get sorted from there.

If container 50/50, may need to sort out locks, coordinate payment for people using non-site materials.

Will be deputy to Nathanael for 6 mos

Looking forward to a break -- will be first time haven’t held an officer role in 22 years

Need to handover passwords, set up Nathanael with seneshal’s meetings etc



Labour Weekend

Went remarkably smoothly. Made a large profit (but financials not done yet). Will need to arrange a third portaloo with 75 people in future. Have refunded the 3 people who weren’t able to attend due to illness.

St. Sebastains

Bid has been sent through e-mail. Main difference is that site fee increased to $10/night from $10/event.

Aethelred moves to approve Rudiger seconds. Approved unanimously

Other business

Aethelred moves that Cluain purchases some canvas to build a coat of plates for loaner gear. Propose that the group buys $100 of canvas ($18/m) -- up to $300 total materials (rivets, etc) Florence seconds. Approved unanimously.

Ed proposes purchasing some additional leather for group leatherworking. Have 2mm. Proposes buying 3mm and 1mm leather. Up to $500 of leather. Aethelred seconds. Approved unanimously.

Aethelred hasn’t purchased first aid supplies yet. Will do on Weds.


  • Aethelred to purchase first aid supplies
  • Rudiger and Aethelred to buy materials for coat of plates and start making more loaner kit
  • Ed to buy leather & prepare things for St. Sebs


Meeting closed at 4:24


Addendum started 6:55pm

Present: Rudiger, Aleyenora, Melissa, Nathanael, Ed, Bess, Aethelred

Florence proposed at a previous time to borrow the group's awning for her wedding. The awning is needed at Canterbury Faire. Rudiger proposes that they can borrow the awning free of charge if they transport it to Canterbury Faire. Nathanael seconds. Agreed unanimously.