Cluain Council Minutes Date: 14/10/2023
14 October 2023
Meeting started 7:30pm
Present: Rudiger, Alyenora, Maerwynn, Dominego, Melissa, Nathanael, Gerrard, Florence, Ed, Bess, Aethelred
Officer reports due tomorrow.
Commentary for new seneshal closing. Nathanael applied. No comments recieved yet.
Officer reports:
Reeve (Aethelred)
$12,455.64 in bank
Reconciliation done via Xero. $148 more in bank than on Xero. Will investigate.
No longer have to submit spreadsheet reports but do still need to do forms on a per-event level to catch people who haven’t paid or need to be reimburse. Official communication to come.
No finalised finances for dumpling feast yet
Canterbury faire container – waiting for comms from Darton before coming back to Southron Gaard
Joint global SCANZ account with Westpac should be live in 2-3 months
No invoice for last period of fencing. No payment from fencers either
Marshal (Dominego)
Fencing not back yet but heavy has resumed. Practice on Wednesday.
Need new TAM registration – underway
May have 9 fighters @ Labour Wekend
A&S (Nathanael)
Plan for A&S competitien next weekend “Pen and the sword” -> needs judges and space to set up
Event update – Labour Weekend
74 people booked – many more than planned
Royal attendance on Saturday
Only made 50 tokens, will need to organise
Tokens cost $5 each in clay and kiln power. Ed proposes to put in a reciept for them of $250. Seconded Dominego. Confirmed unanimously.
Other business
Canterbury Faire
Need reminder for booking Ildhafn campsite
Need camp organiser
Meal plan organisation ongoing
First aid kit
Most stuff expired in 2013/2015.
Aethelred motions to replace panadol, plasters, bandages with a cap of $100. Rudiger seconds. Confirmed unanimously.
Kit to include butterfly strips for deep cuts
- Rudiger to invoice Council for canvas
- Ed to invoice Council for tokens
- Aethelred to replace first aid kit contents
Meeting closed 7:57pm
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