Labour Weekend 2023
*** Bookings now closed for this event***
Come and join us at Braythwayte Manor on the northern shores of Lake Rotorua for up to 3 days (Friday 20th to Monday 23rd October) from your favourite century.
This is a relaxed 'Living History' encampment with no set timetable. Each day starts with sunrise and ends when you decide it should with breakfast, lunch and dinner somewhere in between.
Bring your A&S projects, swords, armour, bows, instruments and games and enjoy the company of other like-minded folk.
In keeping with the living history theme, all food will be prepared in the medieval kitchen and cooked over the open fire or baked in the wood-fired breadoven. The event is fully catered with delicious cooked breakfasts, generous lunches with freshly baked bread and a cooked evening meal. Hot and cold drinks and snacks are also included.
This year we are also offering a self-catering option for those who would like to set up their own encampment and provide for themselves (Above ground fires only, firewood will be provided free of charge)
ADULT Up to 24hrs = $38 (So full event = $114)
CHILD (5-15) Up to 24hrs = $19 (So full event = $57)
ADULT (Self-cater) Up to 24 hrs = $10 (So full event = $30)
CHILD (Self-cater) Up to 24hrs = $7 (So full event = $21)
UNDER 5: Free
Non-members (18+): + $2 event membership
16 and 17 year olds pay as adults.