Cluain Council Minutes Date: 18/02/2023

Start: 7:15 pm


Roger, Keith, Jeanette, Michelle, Trent, Ian, Sue, Dave, Liz.

Approved minutes of previous meeting

Motion to accept the proposal: Proposed, Trent, Seconded Dave – passed


Quarter Master – New Storage facility completed

Herald:  nothing to report

Chatelaine: vacant

A&S: need to follow up with Nate about the role

Marshall: Ned to finalise Trent’s appointment

Reeve: Ian was the only applicant, following commentary period Ian has been confirmed for the role, handover to happen at St Sebs



St Sebs

                54 booked

                Everything else in hand

Hamilton Medieval Gardens fund raiser

                Scheduled for 12the of March, 10 am to 2 pm

                Show and tell, fighting demo

Waldorf school medieval carnival

                Scheduled 26th of March

                Need to contact organisers

New Comers event

                Netty to finalise dates, possibly late April

General business:

Canterbury Faire site container storage:

This was put in place a number of years ago with an expectation that the groups using it would pay the costs, has not happened and SG have been paying the bill, waiting to hear from SG on total costs, expecting it to be around $2000, Cluain share likely to be between $200 - $400



                Matt has peurchased rapier for loaner kit

                Proposal to hire a hall at Karangahape for weekly practise

This is not expected to have an ongoing cost as those attending practise will pay the fees, hall cost is expected to be $20 per night

Motion to accept the proposal: Proposed, Trent, Seconded Jeanette – passed


                There is a need for an awning to add cover for the cooking area at Braithwaite manor

Size: approx. 6 metres x 4 metres, around 18-20 metres of canvas @ $25 per metre plus eyelets

                Aim to sew the awning in May/June

Motion to accept the proposal: Dave, Trent, Seconded Roger – passed



 Explained about a request from the Lochac Admiral for largesse to be donated to the crown

4 pieces of a nautical theme

1x wood

1 x metal

1 x Fibre

1x choice of media

Honey bulk purchase proposal – need an update from Mellissa

Meeting ended 8:07