19 October 2019
Present: Trent Deakin (Herald), Michelle Deakin (Seneschal), Liz Brodie, Roger Win (Marshall), David Whitby, Sue Whitby, Melissa Broussard (Webwright), Nate Broussard (Reeve), Ian Piddington, Cheryl Graham.
Apologies: Jeanette Reid
Meeting opened: 4:01pm
Michelle thanks people for coming and helping set up the site for Labour Weekend.
Nate motioned previous meeting minutes are true and accurate. Rodger seconds.
Officer Reports
Reeve – Nate: Quarterly report submitted. Discussion about whether financial reports should be visible to everyone, not just the council. Agreement to put the quarterly report on the Cluain website with member access only. Over $7,100.00 in Cluain bank account. Michelle needs to be reimbursed for expenses incurred for Collegium. Showing Waikato has been paid for use of their site for the Collegium. Kingdom treasurer has contacted reeves about transitioning to Zero. Wanting to do this ASAP so when Nate’s term is over, hand over is in Zero system. Discussion about getting paperwork signed so this is possible.
Marshall – Roger: Quarterly report submitted. Fighters practices are continuing. Another new person has started attending; found us via Cluain website. Armour making sessions.
A&S – Michelle: Nothing new to report.
Chatelaine – Netty (absent): No quarterly report submitted. One potential interested person has been given contact info for the group. Four prospective members will be coming to the Living History Weekend.
Herald – Trent: Gerard and Cheryl are in the consultation phase of getting devices and names registered.
Webright – Melissa: Sent out document re: tax obligations for US.
Seneschel – Michelle: Thinking about advertising for event bids for 2020 in November/December. Consult with Ildhafn to locate gaps between events and identify possible good dates for day events.
General Business – Liz & Roger estimate the cost for silk and paints would be less than $400.00. David proposes we purchase rope to replace the plastic rope currently in use. Michelle seconds - Unanimous approval to purchase 100m of rope for group awnings at $150 +shipping.
Liz proposes we look at purchasing two new centre poles for the group awning since the current ones are too low and in wet weather the rain pools in the awning instead of running off. Michelle seconds - Unanimous approval to purchase two replacement poles up to the cost of $200.00.
Discussion about having period food storage containers for kitchen. Clay to be purchased for $25.00 and turned into clay coil pots at the Living History event for this purpose. 55 people registered for Labour Weekend living history event!
Next Hastilude: 16th of November — to be held in Eureka.
Meeting closed: 4:41pm
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