18 May 2019

Present: Trent & Michelle (Seneschal) Deakin, Liz Brodie (A&S), Roger Win (Marshall), Jeanette Reid (Chatelaine) & Alex
Apologies: David & Sue Whitby
Time meeting commenced: 2:37 pm
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the 20 April 2019 meeting passed as a true and accurate record.
Moved by Roger. Seconded by Jeanette. Opposed: none.
Officer Reports
Arts & Sciences Report - Liz
No-one has applied for the A&S position at this stage.
Action: Michelle will send reminder about applying for A&S Officer role on Cluain Village Green Facebook page and Cluain’s email list.
Marshall’s Report - Roger
Fighters practices continues, as weather & light permits.
There were two entrants from Cluain in the May Crown Tourney in Darton.
Chatelaine’s Report - Jeanette
Michelle and Jeanette to work on Newcomers section on Cluain’s website so it’s easier for new or interested parties to find information.
Herald’s Report - Trent
One submission, Mærwynn æt Mædwe, is in to Rocket.
Seneschal’s Report - Michelle
If we don’t receive any applicants for the A&S Officer role, will take up the position so it doesn’t get inadvertently overlooked & will look at re-advertising it in 3-6 months.
Haven’t received any updates regarding payment of refunds for St Sebastians.
The chest making workshop being run by David, falls on the same weekend as Hastilude. Sue is happy for Hastilude to be held at their house. 
Action: Council recommends asking the populace to see if there is a preference for Hastilude to be held in Hamilton, as the chest making workshop will be offsite, or to be held in Rotorua. 
Event Bids
Michelle is looking at running a Collegium in September 2019, venue & teachers permitting.
Melissa & Nate are definitely interested in running an event after Mid-Winter Coronation and are happy to run one that is assigned to them.
Action: Michelle to advertise for bids for weekend/day/evening events.
Meeting closed: 3:02pm