20 April 2019

Present: Trent & Michelle (Seneschal) Deakin, Liz Brodie (A&S), Roger Win (Marshall), Melissa Broussard (Webright), Jeanette Reid (Chatelaine) & Cheryl
Apologies: Nathaniel Broussard (Reeve) & Sue Whitby
Time meeting commenced: 2:20 pm
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the 24 March 2019 meeting passed as a true and accurate record.
Moved by Melissa. Seconded by Trent. Opposed: none.
Officer Reports
Reeve’s Report - Presented on behalf of Nathaniel by Melissa
Current Balance $4,771.57
Profit from Saint Sebastians is $235.00
Contact information is required for Alex, as he overpaid for St Sebastians, & Keith, as he paid for Shelley who couldn’t attend St Sebastians, so refunds can be arranged.
Trent to be refunded his St Sebastians meal plan payment, as he ran the meal plan at the event.
Proposed by Melissa. Seconded by Roger. Abstained: Trent & Michelle. Opposed: none.
Web Wright’s Report - Melissa
There were some incorrect links on the website which have been fixed. Updated some email links and working with David Robb on redirecting Chatelaine’s email link.
Some modules have been installed to make Cluain’s website smartphone friendly, however need to work through some items that aren’t working.
Arts & Sciences Report - Liz
No-one applied for the A&S position.
Action: Michelle to readvertise A&S Officer role on Cluain Village Green Facebook page,
Cluain’s website and Cluain’s email list.
Marshall’s Report - Roger
Quarterly Report is in.
The trial of the loaner coat of plates is going well, only a few tweaks need to be made.
Fighters practices continues, as weather permits, but numbers are low.
Chatelaine’s Report - Jeanette
Quarterly Report is in.
One new contact gained from Waldorf’s Medieval Carnival, still to get in touch with them. Several pamphlets were taken but haven’t heard from anyone.
At St Sebastians, wasn’t made aware of who was attending their first event.
Contacted a newcomer to see how they found their first event. Need to provide better information in the event ads about ‘what to bring’ and would be good to update Newcomers page on Cluain website to include ‘what to bring’ for particular types of events.
Need to ensure we advise new members about Cluain’s Group Facebook page, the Cluain email list and the Cluain website.
Action: Michelle and Jeanette to revamp Newcomers page on Cluain’s website so it’s easier for new or interested parties to find information.
Herald’s Report - Trent
Quarterly Report is in.
Maerwynn’s name and device is in to Rocket.
Seneschal’s Report - Michelle
Discovered when advertising Arts & Sciences Officer Role that not all of our members appear to be on the electronic lists. At this stage not sure if members are not aware of them or not interested in signing up. Targeting about half our members at present, which won’t help getting new officers onto Council.
Waldorf School Medieval Carnival debrief
Was too focused on St Sebs event therefore some learning occurred about advertising and planning earlier to get better numbers attending. Would be good to have signage stating who we are (fabric banner) and secondary signage for activities on offer.
Boffer was beside the Knight School which enabled one to have a break while the other was still running. Worth coordinating more formally in future.
Event Bids
Action: Michelle to advertise for bids for weekend/day/evening events.
Melissa & Nate are interested in doing a day event, just not sure how it will look.
- Feast or tavern night / A&S collegium / workshops / day tourney
Discussed the various sites/email lists where events are advertised on.
Would be useful to know how people are finding out about Cluain events.
Meeting closed: 3:27pm