25 September 2018

Cluain Council Meeting 25th September 2018

Start time: 2.20pm

Finish time: 2.40pm

Present: Liz Brodie, Roger Win, Melissa & Nathanael (Nate) Broussard, Cheryl Graham, Jeanette (Netty) Reid, Dave (Ed) & Sue Whitby & dog

Previous minutes approved


Officers’ Reports:

Arts & Sciences – Liz

Details of 2 competitions (seating and travel) for St Sebastian’s have now been posted.

Leatherwork was done at the last Hastilude and today will include shoe patten making and finger-loop cords.


Marshal – Roger

Fighters’ practices are continuing at their usual time and will be in capable hands whilst Baron Rudiger is away invading Europe.


Webwright  - Melissa

Melissa has been busy tidying up links and pages on the Cluain website and Facebook. She needs administrator rights for Facebook, which Liz and Fina can sort out.

The group web page is not friendly for mobile phones, so Melissa will investigate alternative format options.

Liz will check if an SVG version of the Cluain logo is available so that the size can be changed easily.

A kingdom wide statement on inclusiveness is awaited and will be added to the newcomers’ page.


Reeve – Nate

There have been no transactions in the last month and there is still money in the vaults.

Nate is chasing up one outstanding payment for fire camp and will then send the kingdom levies off.

Westpac are still not sending statements to Nate – a trip to the bank may be needed to sort this out.


Chatelaine – Netty

Kip Thoran and partner are SCA members who have moved to Taranaki and transferred to Cluain. They may come up for a Hastilude.

Netty will follow up on interest in the SCA expressed by friends and acquaintances, including the Hackett family.


Seneshal – Ed

The commentary period for the seneschal applications finished yesterday. A decision between Nicola (Ildhafn Seneshal) and Kingdom is pending.


Upcoming events:

A bid was sent through by Ed and Sue for St Sebastian’s in March 2019. Approved by Roger, seconded by Netty, so can go ahead. Melissa volunteered to put together a new medical quiz for the event.

There are no other Cluain events planned at this stage, but there is NAAMA in October and the Ildhafn summer event to join in with. We need to start thinking of other event, such as mid-winter and day/evening events. Ideas include a woodwork workshop to assist towards entries for the St Sebastians A&S competitions, and tournament picnics when the marshal returns from invading Europe.


Any other business:

Chocolate cake and pretzels were offered to follow on from the meeting… yum!

Meeting closed: 2.40pm

There’s a chocolate fish for the first person to comment on what event they could (and plan to) organise.


Minutes taken by Ed & Sue