17th March 2018
Cluain Council Meeting 17th March 2018
Start time: 2.12pm
Finish time: 3.10pm
Present: Dave Whitby (Ed), Sue Whitby, Roger Win, Liz Brodie, Meghann Exley (Fina), Michelle Deakin & Trent Deakin
Previous minutes approved by Roger, seconded by Ed.
Officers’ Reports:
Seneshal - Ed
Officer roles: Ed noted that there have been 2 applicants for the post of Reeve (Fina and Nathaniel), for which applications close on 31st March. Commentary period for new Herald closes next weekend. Chatelaine and Webwright have been in post for over 2 years so those positions need to be advertised. Seneschal will come up for replacement in September.
Cluain has the most members ever (29 at present) and Ed gave thanks to Geoff (for regular archery practices), Sue (for newcomer database and follow-up), Roger (for fighters’ practices), Fina & Liz (for posting on the Cluain Facebook pages and keeping them active) and Netty (for responding promptly and helpfully to messages on Facebook).
Ildhafn have been having a fair bit of success with MeetUp and Fina was volunteered to investigate this option for Cluain. She mentioned that she would also like to do a survey of current members to find out how they started with the SCA and if they perceived any barriers to becoming involved.
Reeve – Roger
Currently approx. $4,700 in Cluain’s bank account, but reimbursement for Tanya (catering contribution) for St Sebs needs to be authorised and there are refunds to be paid for those with genuine reasons for not attending. St Sebastian’s made a provisional profit of $382.60. Since it cost over $3,000 for St Sebs, Roger suggested keeping $3k minimum in the group’s account so that events can be bankrolled if required.
Proposal re St Sebastian’s 2018 – Ed to be reimbursed $3 per pottery token made for the event, totalling $240. Proposed by Roger, seconded by Trent.
Marshall – Roger
Fighters’ practices are happening regularly now. Roger has enough kit for 3 people but aims to have enough for 5. He hopes to work with Duncan to make the stainless steel gorgets. A
A second hand helm is available for $125 – Ed proposed and Trent seconded that this be purchased. Roger to action.
Roger is buying 10m of 30mm polypropylene for making practice swords. Liz proposed and Ed seconded that 5m be purchased to make 5 swords, costing $110 - $125. Roger to action.
A&S Officer – Liz
A&S classes and activities happened at St Sebs. Clay lantern making happening at Hastilude today. Will work on scheming... maybe Scappi knives
Chatelaine – Sue
One potential newcomer in touch via Facebook recently, but health and transport issues will affect attendance at present.
Web wright – Ed
Cluain’s website seems to be working well at present.
Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:
St Sebastian’s event report:
82 Attendees, (49 adult members and 18 non-members and some children)
We have had some useful feedback from meal planners. Main consideration was about communication and clarifying of roles as there was some confusion about whose job it was to do what.
Sunday lunch can be replaced by the bakery team using up all the leftovers from the Saturday.
Run at a profit. There was a price increase this year to cover for a more lavish event but we expect to be able to reduce the price back to $50 next year.
Heavy tourney was successful and might well become a regular feature.
Michelle said that she is starting to write a guide to meal planning.
The Cluain roll of cooking knives needs to be checked and additional knives considered, which could be a Hastilude project. We need some cloths to protect food from flies and another table for food prep.
Upcoming events:
St John’s is ideally a heavy fighting and siege weapon based event. This has not been happening well in recent years and Ed suggested that a new event be considered instead when circumstances don’t fit for St John’s. ‘Announce’ can be a useful place for ideas for alternative events. Ideas to be sent to Cluain e-mail list. Fina asked for a database of potential event locations to be put together (Waingaro, Te Puke, Epworth Centre in Cambridge etc.)
Ideas for Hastiludes: 1) making cooking utensils and a way to hang them and cloths for handling hot stuff and 2) side walls for awning.
Waikato show 7th & 8th April: Fina reported that there’s a 9 x 9.3m fenced off section for club demo’s and suggested this could be used for fighting and maybe music. Names of volunteers need to be sent to Fina in the next few weeks to get passes to the show. Roger is to liaise with fighters to see if 2 x 15 minute demonstrations can be run one day of the show.
Any other business:
4 Cluain fibreglass rapiers are now with the quartermaster, but 2 pairs of gloves are missing.
Trent and Michelle are doing a lunchtime SCA demo at a Papamoa school next week.
There’s no reward for reading the minutes this time, apart from having a clear conscience for the next committee meeting J
Next Hastilude:
Planned for Saturday 21st April. Ed will be away. Michelle & Trent to organise a venue in Tauranga/ Te Puke area.
Minutes taken and written by Sue
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