29th October 2017
Cluain Council Meeting 29th October 2017
Start time: After breakfast (no sun for timekeeping)
Finish time: Mid-morning
Present: Dave Whitby (Ed), Sue Whitby, Roger Win, Liz Brodie, Sam Cathro, Alex Allison, Trent Deakin, Jeanette Reid (Netty) & Illy (dog)
Previous minutes approved by Liz, seconded by Alex.
Officers’ Reports:
Reeve – Roger
The quarterly report won’t balance so has been sent to Thomas to review, then will be forwarded.
There was a profit of approx. $1800 from Coronation. It was agreed that people who had booked but did not pay or attend are not to be chased up for payment at this late stage.
Marshall – Roger
2 new people have attended fighters’ practice, 1 of whom is from Roger’s work and likely to continue.
A&S Officer – Liz
Has sent quarterly report in.
Herald – Alex
Has sent quarterly report in.
Web wright – Ed
There were issues with uploading photos onto the Cluain website but this has been sorted. Ed is to send instructions to Cluain about uploading multiple photos.
Ed also to do his quarterly report.
Chatelaine – Sue
Has sent quarterly report in.
Need to go through Gold Key and propose removals and replacements at next council meeting.
Quartermaster – Netty
Nobody at kingdom level to report to.
After the Coronation experience it is clear that there is a need for stock to be recorded: what we have, where it is and a system to track it. We also need to clearly label Cluain belongings. Everyone is to send a list of the Cluain belongings currently at their place to the Cluain e-mail list before the next council meeting. Netty then to collate a comprehensive list from this information. Photos of Cluain belongings would be useful.
Ed to look into integrating a stores record onto the Cluain website. A list of stores that anyone can refer to would be supplemented by a google doc or dropbox to update what is where.
Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:
Coronation Debrief
The gear mix-up is being sorted out. Damaged Ildhafn items need replacing and Ed is to talk to Katherine Davies to arrange this. Cluain are paying for the laundry bill and any subsequent replacements needed. (This will be allocated as a club expense once the profit share from Coronation has been completed).
Calendar for 2018
Jan 20th – 27th – Canterbury Faire
St Sebastian’s - proposed to be at Braythwayte Manor 23rd – 25th Feb – moved by Roger, seconded by Alex and approved.
March 10th – probable revelry in Auckland
March 18th - Waldorf Medieval Carnival
April 18th – 22nd - Rowany Festival
April 21st – probable Ildhafn A&S Collegium
June 9th – big demo thing in Auckland – TBC
July – St John’s in the school holidays
Discussion re gear for Canterbury Faire:
It was agreed that the group awnings can be used for this event.
A cost of $257.03 for wood for beams for awnings to be left at CF was moved by Netty and seconded by Roger. Further materials required are 2 or 3 x 6m lengths of 10mm steel for 30 pegs, plus joiners for the beams. There’s left over canvas from the awnings to make storage bags. This could be a group workshop event incorporating the next Hastilude on 18th November. Labelling of group gear could be done too.
Plan for Waldorf:
Roger is buying an electric pewter casting unit and this could be a safer (but less exciting) option than the gas burner used this year for melting pewter. Alternatively safety glasses and gloves might be advisable for pewter casting. Spending $50 on pewter was moved by Liz and seconded by Netty.
The bakery stall might be used. The activities carried out this year worked well, so we will aim to do A&S, archery and boffer again.
Steward for St Johns
Probably the Wulfings…
Ildhafn’s big medieval demo
To be discussed further once Vettoria has booked the hall and the event is confirmed.
Change of reeve
Sam will e-mail his application this week so hopefully there will be a change over from Roger at St Cath’s.
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