16th September 2017
Cluain Council Meeting 16th September 2017
Start time: 6.55pm
Finish time: 7.45pm
Present: Liz Brodie, Roger Win, Sue Whitby, Dave Whitby (Ed), Alex Allison, Sam Cathro, Trent & Michelle Deakin.
Previous minutes approved by Ed, seconded by Alex.
Matters Arising from Previous Meeting:
Roger yet to get prices for the wood a set of beams for the awnings to be stored at Canterbury Faire (CF) and check for potential discount via Sam’s dad.
Roger has had a stock take of his belongings and has most of the materials for 4 sets of loaner armour. Body armour would be from plastic barrels.
The amount of canvas needed for making gaberdines is to be reviewed once we see what is left over from the bakery awning.
15m of canvas has been bought and Netty will sew this into an awning for the new bakery.
Event report:
Midwinter Coronation
Still no reports and final expense claims received from Sarah & Rob yet.
Officer’s Reports:
Reeve – Roger
Roger is to phone Sarah/ Rob to seek receipts for any final expenses for Coronation so that the contribution for Crown can be calculated and the event finances can be completed.
Sam needs adding to the Cluain Council e-mail list.
- Receipts were received for $403.92 for the workshop weekend on currently. These were accepted by Roger and payment was seconded by Sam and approved.
Marshall – Roger
See ‘Matters Arising’ above
A&S - Liz
An A&S workshop weekend is currently happening here in Rotorua for the weekend. The group is working on a bakery frame and awning. New members are involved in A&S. Liz and Roger were trialling new oil lamps (and were slightly distracted from the meeting by this!).
A modified version of Southron Gaard’s A&S challenge could be a future option, but won’t be organised for this year.
Henry the bread oven is working and will be used at Labour Weekend.
Chatelaine - Sue
Alexander and Carole have started attending activities.
Sue has been e-mailing someone from Rotorua who is interested in 15th century and fighting and found us through Coronation, but he hasn’t replied yet.
Webwright- Ed
Liz reported that the gallery seems broken. David Robb popped by at this point of the meeting and said that the issue had probably been caused by an upgrade of the website and he hoped that he had fixed it now.
Herald – Alex
Nothing new to report.
Seneschal – Ed
Ed has spoken with Catherine Davies and David Robb and they agreed that Cluain could contribute money to the Ildhafn barony’s section of the new container space at CF.
Upcoming events
Labour weekend camp at Braythwayte Manor, Rotorua – Ed plans to contact the weather gods to try to get the ground dried out
Ed would like an event every 6-8 weeks to maintain interest within the Barony of Ildhafn.
Current plans for 2018 are:
- CF / Tauranga Faire end of January
- St Sebastian’s 23rd – 25th February
- Waldorf Medieval Carnival 18th March. This should involve camping and other activities for publicity.
- April – Rowany festival and an A&S collegium in Auckland.
- Ideally St John’s would be held in the July school holidays
Ildhafn are planning a big demo (driven by Shannon) for all re-enactment groups to promote to the public, possibly in June, and Cluain will be involved in this.
Other business:
Recruitment – Ildhafn are having some success with Meet-Up to find newcomers. Other ideas shared were using local papers/ the coffee club paper/Bunnings to advertise. Also writing an article with photos for a local paper. Ed is to contact Fina to check if she is happy to look into costings for the options.
Next meeting
Sometime over Labour weekend at Braythwayte Manor, Rotorua.
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