20th May 2017
Cluain Council Meeting 20th May 2017
Start time: Tricky to say… discussions about Midwinter Coronation started around 1.40pm and continued past the official meeting start time of 2pm.
Finish time: 3pm
Present: Liz Brodie, Sue Whitby, Roger Win, Dave Whitby (Ed), Rob McIntyre, Sarah Pitcaithly, Meghann Exley (Fina), Wendy & Ian Piddington and Trent Deakin & Michelle Deakin.
Apologies: Alex Allison
Minutes of previous meeting approved by Ed and seconded by Roger.
Upcoming events :
Midwinter Coronation - Rob & Sarah
- Fina is decorating overlord. Still need a vignette coordinator and deputy, performance coordinator and chore coordinator. Sarah is filling some of these roles at present but needs support.
- Equipment needed includes loaner feast kit, candles, sliced branches for candle coasters, a gazebo and rope/wire for oil lamps.
Officer’s Reports:
Reeve – Roger
- We still have money.
- Fina volunteered to be reeve (with assistance) if nobody else volunteers by March 2018.
Marshall – Roger
- Little recently.
A&S - Liz
- 100 days of 10 minutes of A&S is going on.
- Also making of bread oven at Braythwayte Manor.
Seneschal – Ed
- Advertising the club – Ildhafn are using Meet Up and this is an option.
- Fina considering ways to advertise – Instagram may be an option in the future if a young person can be found to run and regularly update it. Facebook presence could be changed so more people can contribute and Fina will action this. Also a possibility of community radio adverts.
Webwright- Ed
- Looking at adding Paypal at some point, but probably not in time for Midwinter Coronation.
Chatelaine - Sue
- 1 newcomers from Waldorf school attending today.
- 1st term of office ends in July.
Other business:
Next meeting
3rd Saturday in June – venue to be decided depending on the weather.
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