16th July 2016

Cluain Council Meeting 16th July 2016

Start time:           2:50pm                                                

Finish time:         3:55pm

Present:               Jeanette Reid (Netty), Liz Brodie, Sue Whitby, Alex Allison, Roger Win, Dave Whitby (Ed), Trent Deakin


Minutes of last meetings

Netty found the minutes of the April meeting and has published these and all other Cluain council meeting minutes on the website. Minutes of the June meeting were approved by Roger and Ed as correct.


St Johns

  • Bookings have closed and 38 people have booked for the feast. Attendance varies over the weekend and Trent has let the meal planners know numbers to cater for.
  • Trent is organising activities and paperworky stuff as required
  • Netty’s organising food and timing of feast activities.  Ed has made 60 pewter tokens for a dastardly game during the feast (and may need to make another 10) and requested $30 for pewter. Trent said that the event budget can cover this cost so it was approved.
  • 4kg of bacon and ½ a ham, left over from St Sebastian’s, are to be included in the catering.


Labour Weekend

  • No planning is happening until after St John’s.
  • Proposal: 20m of white/natural linen to be purchased for making linen bags and waxed lids for food storage – moved by Ed, seconded by Roger – all agreed.

Liz was voluntold to get samples from Global Fabrics and buy suitable linen.



Officer’s Reports:


Marshall – Roger

  • 2 new fighters at practices can’t attend weekend events.
  • Rog needs to organise fighter loaner gear. Alex will send him details of plastic knee and elbow cups that are for sale.


Reeve – Roger

  • Still no volunteer to replace Roger in the position of Reeve.
  • Current balance $4925.90. A significant portion of this will be used for St John’s but more income is due for this event.
  • Roger is trying to balance the accounts for the quarterly report but it’s causing a bit of a headache at present L
  • Ed’s online banking isn’t working yet so Roger will follow this up with the bank. He also plans to write up ‘how to’ guidelines for internet banking.
  • Reimbursements: $240.67 for harvest feast provisions and $174.62 for toner for the Waikato Show to Roger and Liz. Receipts were sighted and refund was moved by Sue and seconded by Ed with all agreed.
  • Banner costs are to be reimbursed once Roger finds the receipts. Netty is to be reimbursed approx. $65 for business cards once she finds those receipts.
  • Meal advances for Alex: $33.20 had previously been approved on the council e-mail list. Alex requested an advance of an additional $30 (within the budgeted amount). Trent moved that these requests be accepted, Roger seconded it and all agreed.




A&S - Ed

  • It’s time for a replacement A&S officer. The role is to be advertised by Ed. (Liz was doing a good job at volunteering for the role by sewing as she sat there and making comments on A& S issues J)


Webwright- Ed

  • Previous difficulties with the website have been sorted – no issues at present.


Chatelaine - Sue

  • Disappointed that no newcomers (apart from Alex’s partner) have booked for St John’s.
  • Adam Bazley has said that he will try to start attending fighters’ practice again.
  • Andria Goodliffe is keen to be kept in the loop about Cluain events and is in many medieval clubs (including SCA).
  • Sue has started a table to keep track of potential newcomers.


Herald -Alex

  • The Herald box arrived and is now safely stored under parsnips and onions. The contents appear to be fine.
  • Information needs rescuing from the blackhole of Eureka (otherwise known as Rog’s desk) for Jeanette and Duncan’s device to progress (or it may be easier to start again!).


Seneschal – Netty

  • Netty very recently advertised for a replacement for the role from the end of 2016.



  • Further business:



Next meeting:  13th August in Rotorua