19th March 2016
Cluain Council Meeting 19th March 2016
Start time: 2:15pm
Finish time: 4:30pm!
Present: Jeanette Reid (Netty), Liz Brodie, Trent Deakin, Michelle Deakin, Sue Whitby, Alex Allison, Roger Win
Apologies: Dave Whitby (Ed)
Minutes of last meeting
Approved by Netty and Roger as correct
St Sebs
- The event report has been received by the committee. Overall the event was well attended and successful.
- All cooking pots need lids and Michelle commented that she had overlooked one lid so we might only be short of one. The wooden lid that Ed had made for one pot worked well and may be the ideal solution.
- Roger reported that 2 bookings (for 3 people in total) that were cancelled within 24 hours of the event starting had not been paid. One of these was a newcomer and Sue is to e-mail her to gently explain the payment/ cancellation process and suggest payment of a donation towards costs. The other people who had cancelled had sent an e-mail that expressed some willingness to pay but Sue couldn’t remember the exact wording. Sue is to forward the e-mail to Roger so he can follow-up on this payment. Nobody was sure if the advert for St Sebs had included information about payments and cancellations: Payment and cancellation policies are to be made explicit in advertising for all events.
- Roger is aiming to finalise the money before the end of the month, including cheque for kingdom levies. There was some confusion around payments, with some people overpaying and one underpaying. A ‘total to pay’ on the event spreadsheet at future events would make it easier for the reeve to spot and sort out any errors in payment.
Waikato Show - Jeanette
- Trent reported that 2.4m square or 3.6m square castle painted drop sheets are available and he can get them to Hamilton. The partition wall will be 2.1m high so 3 of the smaller drop sheets will be requested and folded to size.
- Netty needs to follow up on how to support the 32” TV monitor since it has no bracket. Trent suggested contacting Ralph to find out if our site is next to a solid wall. Netty mentioned that there can be no hanging cords so they will need to be velcroed out of the way and she has Velcro for this. Netty and Roger are to work out the requirements for a laptop or media centre to power the TV screen display.
- Roger said that there is plenty of material available for projecting on the TV screen, with the Bogan’s footage, You-Tube and photos on Flickr. The Wulfing metal weapons videos are not suitable for SCA advertising but they may have an archery video that could be used. Roger is to get help from Callum to put the presentation together if he wants, but may compile it independently.
- Netty needs to look at how to secure the dressmaker’s dummy that will display chainmail (in case of earthquake).
- The club’s kitchen banner may be displayed. So far we have a table, chair and music stand to display. We need: - a helm for the mannequin – probably from Roger
- a chest to go against the wall – Netty offered hers
- display for table
- There was discussion around the risk of small objects displayed on the table being at risk of being stolen and strategies to counteract this. The decision was to keep the display to bowls/ plates and cups, with no cutlery. Alex offered wooden plates and pottery goblets.
- Netty asked but nobody had a wooden tissue box holder for completed raffle tickets. However, Liz and Alex offered carved wooden boxes for the completed raffle tickets and other storage.
- We have about 500 Cluain business cards. The e-mail and web addresses are not up to date but still work. Mags/Seneshal files/Reeve may have the original electronic file for these for updating. Netty is to contact the printer (name given by Ralph) about getting another box of cards printed.
- Sue had drafted a ‘Regular Events’ flyer. Contact details were obtained and the suggestion was made to have it 1/3 A4 size to insert into the Cluain SCA introductory leaflets. Sue to e-mail this to Roger.
- Newcomers’ feast name was chosen as ‘Harvest Feast’. Roger to create a 1/3 A4 flyer for the feast to include with leaflets.
- Netty is still to do the roster. No indication of demo time has been received yet.
- Weds 30th March evening is orientation for the show and Netty is looking for people to join her.
Harvest (Newcomer’s) Feast – Roger
- The bid has been sorted for 30th April – proposal was motioned by Sue, seconded by Trent and all were in agreement.
- Maximum is 60 people and break-even is 20 paid people. It will cost the club $180 to give a pair of tickets away each day at the show. There will also be printing costs. Tickets will be $2 each with the aim of selling 30-100 each day.
- Roger is looking for a deputy steward. The structure of the event will depend on feedback from interest at the show. Roger to have a look at the venue to see if there’s suitable space for ‘Have a Go’ Heavy fighting if there’s interest from newcomers.
- Trent asked for consideration of served meal vs buffet and served meal was the preferred option by the group.
St Johns
- Trent has sent a preliminary bid to the council including pricing break-downs as promised. People from Darton have expressed an interest in coming to the event.
- Pros and cons of Pirongia and Waingaro were discussed and Trent reported that the facilities are more fit for purpose (such as archery and war)at Pirongia than Waingaro at present (apart from Waingaro having a bigger hall). Pirongia is also a more attractive site for newcomers. It is more expensive to stay at overnight than Waingaro but day costs are fairly similar and the price is comparable to Hunua Lodge, where Ildhafn events are held. The council chose Pirongia for the venue for St Johns this year.
- Trent reported that nobody has volunteered for meal plan and feast cook yet. There would be 50% off costs for these people.
- Prices for the event were based on $4 per person per meal and may need adjusting. Trent will check the budget for food before putting in a final bid this week.
Officer’s Reports
Marshall – Roger
- Archery and fighter practices continue.
- There needs to be a refresher of target archery rules due to changes. Roger had a discussion with the Kingdom Archery Deputy and they have agreed to get more Target Archery Marshalls authorised. Geoff’s authorisation has expired but there Mark ran most of the archery at St Sebs and is authorised.
Reeve – Roger
- Accounts for the end of year are due soon and reporting is in hand. Roger is working on getting St Sebs finalised.
- Review of bank account options – can stay at Westpac with 3 signatories, open with Kiwibank as a sub account of SCANZ or set up a separate account with Kiwibank. We have non-profit status with Westpac. The only signatories should be Roger (as Reeve/Treasurer), Jeanette (as Seneschal/ Chair person) and Trent (as SCANZ rep), so old signatories need to be removed.
- Proposal by Roger, seconded by Trent: ‘Apply for an upgrade of the business account with Westpac for internet banking and update the signatories. Failing a satisfactory outcome then approach Kiwibank to open an internet banking account. ‘ All were in favour.
Chatelaine - Sue
- Unfortunately Rosamund of Dulverton cancelled her booking for St Sebastian’s on the day. A 16 year old named Michelle Hommer has been in contact after looking at the website and intends to come to the Waikato Show to find out more about the Canton of Cluain and how to get involved.
- Sue to do an inventory of the gold key feast kit since there seem to be a lot of goblets and not much else. Specific items can then be requested from members of the canton and a proposal made to buy anything else that is likely to be needed.
A&S – Dave (via Sue)
- The last competition closed. Ed has no plans for a new one yet.
- A&S for the next 6 months will focus on getting prepared for the living history at Labour Weekend. Michelle agreed to take the lead in working out what food would be cooked and therefore what storage and cooking facilities would be required. She pointed out that if all bread is to be baked on site then it will require one person to take charge of this, not as part of other meal plan duties.
Webwright – Dave (via Sue)
- We still have the same problem with the teasers not displaying properly on the home page and the dates for some events showing twice on the calendar. Ed is giving David Robb a couple of weeks to settle back into the role of Ildhafn Webminister before pestering him for a response to these issues.
- The position was advertised and the only applicant was Alex. Netty is to e-mail a submission of the candidate to the Baronial Herald and cc the Kingdom Herald and arrange a commentary period.
There was no further business
Next meeting: 16th April
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