20th February 2016
Cluain Council Meeting 20th February 2016
Start time: 2:25pm
Finish time: 3:40pm
Present: Jeanette Reid (Netty), Liz Brodie, Trent Deakin, Sue Whitby, Alex Allison, Dave Whitby (Ed)
Apologies: Roger Win
Hastilude Timing
3pm was agreed as the ongoing start time for monthly Hastilude meetings, with the council to precede this (and to be kept on track to try to keep it to an hour) at 2pm.
St Sebs - Dave
- Meal plan is up in the air at the moment because Ed has not heard back from Meghann, who’s meant to be organising it. Ed will try phoning Meghann to progress the meal plan, but if he has no luck he will initiate Plan B.
- There are about 70 bookings to date including several from Darton. Liz reported that about half of the people who’ve booked have paid so far. Roger will be the wandering gate for the event to assist with tying up bookings and payments as it has proved useful to have the Reeve in this role at previous events.
Waikato Show - Jeanette
- The Waldolf Carnival has been moved to May so there is no longer a clash of events.
- Jeanette has asked permission to fundraise at show (to do feast raffle). This is fine as long as it’s legal:
- Under $5000
- Retail prize value no less than 20% of ticket value
- Not to be sold to minors
- Contact name and address on tickets
- No alcohol included
- No need to register or get police to draw
- Other points Ralph made about doing a raffle was getting them professionally printed on card with serial numbers. He gave details on format and printers, such as having A4 sheets divided into 5 and perforated for tearing off with an industrial sewing machine.
- Netty checked that it was okay to promote the newcomers feast and reported that Ralph said this would be fine. We agreed to have a flyer (1/3 A4 size) for interested folks that would lead them to book online, as well as a register of interest that would be followed up by the Chatelaine. Roger was volunteered in his absence for creating the flyer.
- Sue circulated A4 trifold leaflets introducing the Canton of Cluain. Ed suggested adding the Facebook link and Netty said that the leaflets looked beautiful. Feedback and any suggestions for changes are to be made by council members once they’ve had a chance to look through and read the leaflets. It was agreed that once the format was finalised then a print run of 500 should be planned, and if running out at the show there would be printing places open at the weekend anyway.
- Trent reported that the business cards have web addresses that are still okay and there are about 250 left. Another box may be ordered once a card has been double-checked to make sure that no updates are needed.
- Roster – Jeanette has sent email outline to request volunteers and only has 2 so far. Alex said she would volunteer if she did not have Isaac and it was agreed that the stall would not be a suitable place for young people. We will need 2 people on at most times and Jeanette has worked out that there will be 21 shifts of 2½ to 3 hours. We’re not allowed to pass on tickets in a day so will need to repeat shifts or get more tickets. At this stage it seems that 7 tickets (plus one for Jeanette to come and go as required) would be needed each day. The exhibitor pass costs $5 for the event, whereas the door sale price is $5 per day. (Complimentary tickets may be available). Netty to organise tickets once the roster has been sorted.
- Discussed going for a “medieval room” look and options with that – much better idea. The space is very small (2.4m x 1.8m) so use of a card table was suggested to make more space for talking to members of the public. A mock-up of the area is to be attempted at Hastilude following this meeting.
- No progress has been made by Roger and Callum on creating a video/ slide show with pictures of camps and activities as well as marshall.
- Roger needs to make sure that electric cords and machines used on site are tagged and tested within 6 months of the event. Liz said that this should be no problem since he’s qualified to do this.
- The TV Monitor needs to be tethered to the wall – Ralph to get back to Netty about how that’s done. The possibility of S-hooks was suggested at this meeting.
- Netty reported that her concern about the use of banners from a fire retardancy point of view is not an issue so the banners can be used.
- Ralph will be sending out a schedule for demos and can offer 1-2 x ½ hour slots each day. Only Trent and Roger can fight at the moment and Ed expressed some concern that taking SCA members away to run this may cause trouble with manning the stand.
Newcomer’s Feast – Roger and Liz
- Planned for 30th April. Liz reported that the Hardy Centre is not available until 2pm and questioned if this would allow enough time to have the event starting at 3pm. It was agreed that starting ‘have a go at’ archery and fighting at 4pm would work better and still allow time for the feast at 6pm and games afterwards. We would have to leave the Hardy Centre by 11pm.
- The Hardy Centre has 2 ovens, which is better than most places. There is a bond of $300 but the hireage would be $100. For 20 people the cost would be $25, which was agreed to be reasonable. In theory a liquor licence is needed if having alcohol so the event will not be advertised as BYO.
- Jeanette will do a subtlety – looked on net for ideas, not much inspiration yet. Trent suggested a basic heraldry design and Alex suggested a map of the known world like the one done at May Crown. Netty is considering a dragon design.
St Johns
Trent has been looking into a bid and venues and has tentatively booked both Pirongia and Waingaro. Rough pricing for the full event at the sites is:
Pirongia - $95 adult, $38-$55 for 6-17 year olds
Waingaro - $45 adult, $33 - $50 for 6-17 year olds
Feast only - $25 adult, $20 child
There are pro’s and con’s for each site and Trent said that personally he was okay with either site. He will check what changes have been made to the Waingaro site since the last visit and inform the Cluain council. Pro’s and con’s will then be discussed further for a choice of site to be made.
Trent will send pricing break downs to the Cluain Council list and sort out a stewarding team for his bid.
Officer’s Reports
A&S - Dave
- Campsite project for Labour weekend – Ed will liaise with Michelle re food to know what’s needed for storage etc and will follow this up at a later date. St Sebs and the Waikato Show are the priorities for now.
Webwright - Dave
We still have the same problem with the teasers not displaying properly on the home page and the Ildhafn webwright looked at it 5 days ago but has not been in touch with Ed. The Ildhafn Webminister is changing from Katherine to David Robb and this may be affecting responses to issues too.
Marshall – Roger
- No report.
Reeve – (Roger)
- Liz had been given information from Roger that the current account balance is $4449.75. St Sebastian’s payments have been coming in. $100 needs to refunded to Lizzie for over-payment for St Sebs. A cheque is needed for the $300 deposit for the Hardy Centre scout hall. Carol hasn’t yet banked her cheque for gas used at St John’s last year.
- Trent has been working on bank account options – discussed as a sub account of SCANZ that we want to keep our autonomy and can continue to run as we are, especially in regards to setting up signatories, but also getting statements sent to us. He explained that the person they were dealing with a Kiwibank was being overzealous as they were not a business manager. Trent suggested having a vote about whether to choose a sub account of SCANZ or continuing to try to get online banking sorted independently, but Ed and Sue preferred for this decision to be made with Roger present for discussions so this will be deferred to the next council meeting.
Vacancy needs to be advertised. Sue pointed out that this has been an action plan for a while and asked if it could be achieved by the next council meeting. Netty agreed that she would do this.
Chatelaine - Sue
Rosamund (incorrectly named by Sue as Samantha during the meeting) of Dulverton is a newcomer from Cambridge who has booked for St Sebastian’s.
Chirurgeon - Sue
Sue pointed out that she was unable to act as a Chirurgeon at Canterbury Faire because she no longer has a first aid certificate as her work now provides CPR training only. The understanding of the council was that there is no requirement to have someone with a first aid certificate at events in New Zealand. Sue therefore intends to stop her Chirurgeon role but is happy to remain responsible for maintaining the Cluain first aid kit chest and bringing it to events.
Further business:
Ed – the new awning is 3m x4m but has no poles, ropes or beam yet. A test run of erecting the awning is to be carried out to see if a beam is needed, then Ed will send a proposal to the council list specifying costs of what needs to be made.
Trent – did a 10 minute talk on the SCA at work and a colleague gave a talk on HNB. Tauranga Council are also looking at doing an in-house hobbies day which may provide further opportunity to promote the SCA. Trent has also given out the SCA business card at the fencing club he’s started going to.
Netty – has got the fencing masks and other equipment back from Carol.
Next meeting: 19th March
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