24 October 2015

Cluain Council minutes 24 Oct 2015

Started: 8:00pm

Finished: 9:00pm

Present: Jeanette Reid, Roger Win, Trent Deakin, David Whitby, Sue Whitby

Apologies: Liz Brodie, Michelle Deakin

Minutes from the last meeting - Accepted Roger, seconded Jeanette


Labour weekend - Sue

44 people booked, 1 cancellation

Going well weather better than expected


Waikato show

Trent sent prospectus

Roger to look at videos yet

Timing not an issue for Jeanette now

Must book for demo activity- very limited space

Jeanette to coordinate overall event

Booking by Jeanette ASAP

Need Powered site

Business cards and/or pamphlets, ask Ildhafn what worked best - consider updating current business cards. Observe what people do with them (pocket or wallet)

Displays: Costumed mannequins, variety of A&S by different members

Fundraising: “What is this” - Mystery object competition & raffle

Roster Roger Saturday and Sunday

Proposal: That Cluain attends promotional exhibits and a demo at the waikato show 2016 at a cost of approx $500

Proposed - Netty    Seconded - David

Officer’s Reports

Reeve - Roger

Quarterly report sent - have not heard back

Bank accounts: No progress and no one knows what is happening

Current balance: $4400 dollars approx

Expenses to come out for Labour Weekend


Marshall - Roger

Archery and fighters practice continue

One new participant, Robin Grummet


Chatelaine - Sue

Quarterly report in

One new person contacted (Robin)

Forward unknown person details


Chirurgeon - Sue

Few minor incidents incidents involving marshmallows at labour weekend

Quarterly report in


A&S - Dave

Banner painting going well

Loads of cool stuff happening over Labour Weekend

Workshop making furniture going well

Competition to spiff up gear

Quarterly report in


Website - Dave

Revised newcomers page up and running, attracting new members, still more work to be added

Few minor unresolved issues, hoping to resolve this weekend

Quarterly report in

Trent adding chronicler bits

History to be checked Roger to discuss

Netty to talk to David Robb about accessing bounces


Herald - vacant

Roger Talk to Shannon and Amy about advert for Cluain Herald

Recover fencing and herald stuff from Carol - Netty to ask


Other business


Awning quote back - $500

Proposal - To get 3x4 awning made at the cost of $500

Proposed David

Seconded Trent


St Sebastian’s bid

Same format as previous years

March next year, 2 weeks before easter

Proposed David

Seconded Trent


No other business

Next meeting: Possibly B&B BBQ 21st November